Computer Science
The Bachelor of Digital Science with a major in Computer Science is about learning computer systems in-depth. Designing a scalable computer program for an industrial application is a challenge. The course aims to prepare students to face these challenges. The curriculum covers advanced computer courses with foundations of mathematics to equip students for industrial and scientific computing. The program links theory with practice by including a two-semester internship in the industry to allow working on live projects. Students take a research project to work on state-of-the-art technology or application in the final year. The student is required to pass all the modules of Degree Core and Major Core and 36 Modular Credits (MCs) from Major Option modules.
Recommended Computer Science Semester Plan
To download the recommended semester plan as PDF Click Here.
*36 MCs required from major options
A student may select the major core of another Digital Science major programme as major option to fulfil the requirements.