Digital Repository For Biodiversity

Student Name: Muhammad Hisyam Noor Bin Hj Sudarsana
Supervisor: Dr. Owais Ahmed Malik
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Ong Wee Hong


The purpose of this project is to improve and continue on previous computer science student’s project, to provide more benefit and feature to the user which include students, lecturer and researcher. Beside from improvement, performance of the site is also one of the main focus. This project covers the continuation of UBD Herbarium website development and UBD Online Museum website which cover animal specimen. The focus feature of this project is to provide user a more improved search and a powerful result filter in order to narrow down their search further. Additional feature research, methodology, implementation and scenario testing are some of the topic that will be covered in this report.

Link to UBD Herbarium Website

Link to UBD Online Musieum

Demo Video